Online Registration
*MOF 2026 registration is strictly online only. Offline registration is not available.
Step 1: Complete and submit the registration form online. Register here
Step 2: Please make all payments in regards to MOF will be via this account as below:
Company: MOWA Management Sdn Bhd
Company Registration No: 869603-M
Bank Name: Malayan Banking Berhad
Maybank Account No: 5642 8531 6959
Step 3: Submit the Bank-In Slip to:
a. Mr Kow Kam Sang at Mobile Number/ Whatsapp At +6019 220 3911 or
b. Email Address: [email protected]
For the booth information, kindly refer here. MOF 2026 Booth Detail.
Thank you for registering as MOF2026 Exhibitor.
Stay tune. We will update you through email/ contact number.
Yes, public can attend MOF 2026. You can register here as visitor. We are open to adults 12 years & above. Children below 12 years old are not allowed to attend. Entry for fully vaccinated registrant.
Online Registration
Step 1: Fill in the registration form and submit the form online. Register here
Step 2: Make payments as below:
Company: MOWA Management Sdn. Bhd.
Company Registration No: 869603-M
Bank Name: Malayan Banking Berhad
Maybank Account No: 564285316959
Step 3: Submit the Bank-In Slip to:
a. Mr Kow Kam Sang at Fax No: +603-9130 6125 or
b. Email Address: [email protected]
Offline Registration
Step 1: Download the registration form (PDF – Form A & Form B).
Step 2: Direct Bank-In and Fax/Email the completed (scanned copy) Form A, Form B together with the Bank-In Slip to:
a. Mr Kow Kam Sang at Fax No: +603-9130 6125 or
b. Email Address: [email protected]
Step 3: All Payments in regards to Malaysia Optical Fair, will be via this account as below:
Company: MOWA Management Sdn. Bhd.
Company Registration No: 869603-M
Bank Name: Malayan Banking Berhad
Maybank Account No: 564285316959
Thank you for registering as MOF2026 Exhibitor.
Stay tune. We will update you through email/ contact number.
This event is jointly organized by:
- MOWA – Malaysia Optical Wholesalers Association
- MAPO – The Malaysian Association of Practicing Opticians
- AMO – Association of Malaysian Optometrists and
- MOA – Malaysian Optometry Association